Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Types of wind and its definition and formation process

Wind is air that moves from high pressure to low pressure or from low air temperature to high air temperature. 

The wind does not have much substance, it cannot be seen or held, but its force is strong enough to carry ships sailing across the ocean. In general, winds are divided into two groups, namely local winds and seasonal winds. 

Reporting from the Ministry of Education and culture, the following are the types of local winds and seasonal winds. Local winds local winds are divided into three, namely land winds and sea winds, mountain winds and valley winds, and tornadoes or whirlwinds. Also read: Where does the wind come from? Land winds and sea winds land winds and sea winds are formed due to differences in the nature between land and ocean in absorbing and releasing solar thermal energy.  

In this case, the land absorbs and releases thermal energy faster than the ocean. Land winds are formed at night, when the heat energy absorbed by the Earth's surface throughout the day is released more quickly by the land (cold air). Meanwhile, thermal energy in the oceans is in the process of being released into the air. The convective movement causes cold air from the land to move to replace the air rising in the ocean so that there is a flow of air from land to sea. Typically, land winds occur at midnight and early in the morning.

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